With so many patches, it’s difficult to distribute and verify that patches are actually installed. In a few easy steps, Patch Management Solution automatically creates policies to deploy all software updates for a given bulletin.The solution supports both the well-connected (on the LAN or WAN), or occasionally connected (dial-up) computer. Bandwidth throttling and checkpoint restart capabilities allow you to “drizzle” packages to LAN-based and remote and mobile users regardless of connectivity. After patches are delivered, desired-state policies run on an ongoing basis to ensure that a required patch remains installed.
CENTRALIZED PATCH ASSESSMENT The number of patches makes it difficult for your IT staff to identify which patches you need. Patch Management Solution helps eliminate the manual process of gathering data by using an information repository specifically tailored to automate the patch management process.The repository provides comprehensive data on software bulletins, software updates, installation requirements, and software releases. A centralized aggregate view of all available patches allows you to easily identify open vulnerabilities ranked by severity. Automatic e-mails alert you when new bulletins are released, so you can identify new vulnerabilities. |
TARGETED DISTRIBUTION Some patches can cause system or application instability, so you need to test or stage patches before deploying them. Patch Management Solution allows to you assign patches to functional groups of computers, whether in a test environment, an Active Directory OU, all computers on the third floor, all SQL servers, or all Red Hat* servers.You can easily target the patch to a smaller set of test computers to determine the likelihood of system or application problems before rolling out the patch. |