Netop Vision 7 Released!

The new version of Netop Vision 7 introduces a fully redesigned interface, making teaching with computers more effective.

What’s New in Vision7:

Over the past year, Netop’s development team met with teachers and IT administrators at schools across the U.S. and Europe, who almost unanimously agreed that usability is the most important aspect of their classroom management solution, followed closely by features. With that in mind, Vision7 was redesigned to make the most-used features easily accessible. With a modern ribbon interface, educators will find all the features they know grouped into tabs to allow for larger icons with text labels. Frequently used features are at the forefront, so helping students learn is even easier.

Existing Vision users will find some significant changes in the user interface. For example, the features in the Surf-Lock and App-Control plug-ins are now fully integrated within Vision7, and have been renamed. However the set of features provided has not changed. The results of Netop’s beta testing have been positive, with teachers commenting that Vision7 “works beautifully.”

Upgrades and License Keys:

This upgrade is free to customers with a current Netop Advantage agreement, but does require a new license key. Please note that there are no longer any separate license keys for Surf-Lock, App-Control and Pointer, instead this functionality is included with the standard Vision7 license.

Netop will begin issuing new license keys to license contacts on Wednesday, and expects to have this process complete on Friday, January 15th. In some countries your license key may be issued by your local Netop partner.

If you have questions about your license, or wish to purchase an upgrade, please contact

Installation and Technical Support:

Vision 7 may/may not be installed on top of Vision6. There is no need to/You must/For best results uninstall Vision6 prior to installing Vision7 on teacher and student computers. For help with installation or technical support questions go to

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